Puppet Slam 4/16!

We are very excited to be hosting a puppet slam at Gateway City Arts in Holyoke, MA on April 16th! 

Puppet slams are performances of short-form puppet pieces for an adult audience. They are a great chance to see lots of different styles of puppetry, and different puppeteers, all in one evening. More info about our slam will come soon, but here are the basics so you can save the date!

Paper City Puppet Slam
Saturday, April 16 at 8pm
Tickets $12
Gateway City Arts
92 Race Street
Holyoke MA, 01040

We are also taking applications for puppeteers to perform at the slam! If you have a 3-10 minute piece you are interested in performing, please email us at cactusheadpuppets@gmail.com, and include the following include the following information:

Name of your piece

Length of piece

Brief plot synopsis

Photos or video of the piece if available

Tech needs