Magnificent Monster Circus makes its theatrical debut!

We’ve been excited to work on expanding Magnificent Monster Circus over the last several months as part of the Puppet Showplace Theater’s Incubator program that supports new shows. We are presenting the new expanded show at the Showplace through January 26, 2020!

Learn more about how the show was created in our interview here on the Showplace’s blog, and we hope to see you at a performance!


New Show: Magnificent Monster Circus!

We are very excited to announce our new show, Magnificent Monster Circus!

Monster Circus 3.JPG

CactusHead Puppets presents a Circus like no other! Join in as the Monsters’ Caretaker guides you through the world of monsters. Enjoy the Thrills of the Clarissa the Crested Cannon! Experience the Chills of Eustace the Uni-Browed, Uni-cycling, Uni-monster as he tackles the Sinister Snake Slack-rope! All this and more in The Magnificent Monster Circus!

We’ve been working on this show little bits at a time since last fall, and were thrilled to receive support from the Somerville Arts Council through the Puppet Palooza New Works program to help us expand and develop it further this spring and summer.

Monster Circus can be performed BOTH indoors or outdoors, and has lots of great interactive moments for the audience! Its been lots of fun trying things out with audiences in rehearsal, and we’re excited to have the show on the road now.

If you follow us on Instagram, you have probably seen progress photos from the show, but here are a few highlights from the building and rehearsal process.

IMG_2110 2.jpg

Looking forward to sharing our Magnificent Monster Circus with lots of audiences!

Puppet Slam 4/16!

We are very excited to be hosting a puppet slam at Gateway City Arts in Holyoke, MA on April 16th! 

Puppet slams are performances of short-form puppet pieces for an adult audience. They are a great chance to see lots of different styles of puppetry, and different puppeteers, all in one evening. More info about our slam will come soon, but here are the basics so you can save the date!

Paper City Puppet Slam
Saturday, April 16 at 8pm
Tickets $12
Gateway City Arts
92 Race Street
Holyoke MA, 01040

We are also taking applications for puppeteers to perform at the slam! If you have a 3-10 minute piece you are interested in performing, please email us at, and include the following include the following information:

Name of your piece

Length of piece

Brief plot synopsis

Photos or video of the piece if available

Tech needs



Holyoke Canal District Winter Festival

The Holyoke Canal District Winter Festival is 2/12- 2/14, and there are lots of great activities for the whole family all through the weekend! Check out the full schedule of events here. 
We'll be at the Artisan Market on Sat. 2/13, and will perform a few short pop-up shows through out the day while we're there! Hope you are able to come out and see us, and enjoy this great community event!

Just So Stories on 1/2 and 1/3

We are performing Just So Stories at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art this coming weekend on 1/2 and 1/3. Here are the details, hope you are able to join us!

January 2, 2016
11:00am and 1:00pm 
January 3, 2016
Tickets $5 ($4.50 Museum Members)

Call 413-658-1126 to purchase tickets.

Just So Stories

Enjoy these three tales of mischief and magic that tell how some of your favorite animals came to be. Join us for silly adaptations of How the Camel Got His HumpHow the Rhino Got His Skin, and The Beginning of the Armadillos.

Upcoming Performances

Want to come to a CactusHead Puppets show? Here is a list of our upcoming public performances!

Some libraries request that you preregister, so it is best to contact the library for details.

9/12 - 9/13/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Puppet Showplace Theater, Brookline, MA

10/17/2015- The Tale of Juan Bobo, Springfield Museums, Springfield, MA

We will add more dates as shows are booked, so check back to see if there is a show near you soon.

Past Shows
9/28/2011- Just So Stories, 6pm  Fairchild-Nichols Library Trumbull, CT
11/2/2011- The Pied Pier, 3pm  Winchester Public Library Winchester, MA
12/27 &28/2011- Just So Stories 2pm each day at The Eric Carle Museum Amherst, MA- tickets $5
1/27/2012- Just So Stories, 4pm EEASP Easthampton, MA 
4/16-2012 - 4/21/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 2 &3 pm  at The Eric Carle Museum Amherst, MA- tickets $5
5/2/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 3pm Winchester Public Library, Winchester, MA
5/19/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 10:15am, Prospect Public Library, Prospect, CT
6/26/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 6:30pm,  Portland Library, Portland, CT
7/8/2012- Little Red Ridding Hood, 1pm, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst MA- tickets $5
7/11/2012 - The Emperor's New Clothes, 6:30 pm, Woodbridge Town Library, Woodbridge, CT
7/13/2012- The Pied Piper, 10am Norwalk Public Library in Norwalk, CT
7/22/2012 - Little Red Ridding Hood, 1pm, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst MA- tickets $5
7/25/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 10:30am, Enfield Public Library, Enfield, CT
7/25/2012- The Pied Piper, 6:30 pm, Goshen Public Library, Goshen, CT
7/26/2012- Little Red Ridding Hood, 10 am Southington Public Library & Museum, Southington,CT
8/5/2012- The Pied Piper, 1 pm, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst, MA- tickets $5
8/6/2012- 8/10/2012- The Pied Piper, 2pm each day, plus 11:30 am on 8/6 &8/10, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst, MA- tickets $5
9/29/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 2pm, The Ferguson Library, Stamford, CT
12/26/2012- The Emperor's New Clothes, 11am & 2pm, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA
2/20/2013- The Pied Piper, 2pm, workshop to follow at Simsbury Public Library, Simsbury CT
4/17/2013-4/20/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 11am and 2pm each day at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst MA- tickets $5
6/8/2013- The Emperor's New Clothes, 6:30pm, Artswalk, Easthampton, MA
6/22/2013- The Emperor's New Clothes, 11:30am, Norwalk Public Library in Norwalk, CT
7/21/2013- Little Red Riding Hood, 1pm & 3pm, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA (tickets $5)
8/2/2013-8/4/2013- Just So Stories, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA. Shows at 11am & 1pm on the 2nd and 3rd, shows at 1pm & 3pm on the 4th (tickets $5)
8/12/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 6:30pm, Cheshire Public Library, Cheshire, CT
8/14/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 6pm, workshop to follow at Woodbridge Town Library Woodbridge, CT
8/25/2013- Little Red Riding Hood, 1pm & 3pm, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA (tickets $5)
10/16/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo,1:30pm, Newfield Branch Library in Bridgeport ,CT
10/16/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 6:00pm, Burroughs Saden Memorial Library in Bridgeport, CT
11/14/2013- Little Red Riding Hood, 3:30pm, Winchester Public Library in Winchester, MA
11/20/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 10:30am, Mason Square Library in Springfield, MA
11/20/2013- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 3:30pm and workshop to follow, Indian Orchard Library in Springfield, MA
12/27/2013- Little Red Riding Hood, 11:00am & 1:00pm, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA (tickets $5)
12/29/2013- Little Red Riding Hood, 1:00pm & 3:00pm, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA (tickets $5)
7/5/2014- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 11am and 1pm, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst MA- tickets $5
7/6/2014- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 1pm, The Eric Carle Museum, Amherst MA- tickets $5
7/23/2014- The Bremen Town Musicians, 6pm, Woodbridge Town Library, Woodbridge, CT
12/27/2014-12/28/2014- The Bremen Town Musicians, 11am &1pm, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art
12/31/2014- Little Red Riding Hood, First Night Boston, MA
1/10/2015-1/25/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Puppet Showplace Theater, Brookline, MA
2/20/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 11am & 2pm, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA (tickets $5, call 413-658-1126 to purchase)
3/14/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 11am & 3pm, Goat on A Boat Puppet Theater, Sag Harbor, NY (purchase tickets)
3/18/2015- The Bremen Town Musicians, 3:30pm, Winchester Public Library, Winchester, MA
4/21/2015- Little Red Riding Hood, 11am & 2pm, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA (tickets $5, call 413-658-1126 to purchase)
7/23/2015- The Tale of Juan Bobo, 10:30am, Enfield Public Library, Enfield, CT
7/29/2015- Little Red Riding Hood, 11am, Springfield Museums, Springfield, MA
8/1-8/2/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 11am on 8/1,  1pm & 3pm on 8/2, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA (tickets $5, call 413-658-1126 to purchase)

Pied Piper is returning to the Puppet Showplace Theater!

We are excited to be heading back to the Puppet Showplace Theater in September to perform The Pied Piper of Hamelin! Shows will be 1pm & 3pm on Sept. 12th and 13th, you can get tickets and more info on the Showplace's website here.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The town of Hamelin has a rat problem, and there's only one person who can help! CactusHead Puppets brings the story of the Pied Piper to life with a cast of colorful characters in this comedic adaptation of the traditional folktale. Not only does the town find a musical solution to pest control, but the kids of Hamelin also teach the grownups a lesson about generosity. In the end, the townspeople all come together in celebration. This production features multiple puppetry styles, a silly hat contest, and plenty of dancing rats!

Little Red Riding Hood and Pied Piper Performances this Week!

We are excited to have several shows this week!

First, we will be performing Little Red Riding Hood on Weds. 7/29 at 11am at the Springfield Museums.  This performance is free with admission to the museum! Visit the museum's website for more info:

- Note: There is an error on the museum website calendar that lists our performance as 7/30, but it is on 7/29. 

Little Red Riding Hood's anxious mother sends her off into the woods with some treats for her dear old grandmother, but to get home safely she and her grandmother will have to outsmart the Big Bad Wolf.  Are Little Red and Grandmother in trouble, or has the wolf bitten off more than he can chew? Join CactusHead Puppets for their modern adaptation of this classic story, told with hand puppets and shadow puppets. 

Then we will have performances of The Pied Piper of Hamelin at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art on Sat. 8/1 and Sun. 8/2! Here are the showtimes and ticket info for those dates:
August 1, 2015

August 2, 2015

1:00pm and 3:00pm
Tickets $5, call 413-658-1126 to purchase.

The town of Hamelin has a rat problem, and there's only one person who can help! CactusHead Puppets bring the story of the Pied Piper to life with a cast of colorful characters in this comedic adaptation of the traditional folktale. Not only does the town find a musical solution to pest control, but the kids of Hamelin also teach the grownups a lesson about generosity. In the end, the townspeople all come together in celebration. Join puppeteers John and Megan Regan as they present this classic tale, told with multiple puppetry styles, and plenty of dancing rats!

Our Current Touring Shows

This is a list of our shows that are currently available for bookings. Workshops can also be offered to go along with the shows if desired. Please contact us at for more information.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The town of Hamelin has a rat problem, and there's only one person who can help! CactusHead Puppets bring the story of the Pied Piper to life with a cast of colorful characters in this comedic adaptation of the traditional folktale. Not only does the town find a musical solution to pest control, but the kids of Hamelin also teach the grownups a lesson about generosity. In the end, the townspeople all come together in celebration. Join puppeteers John and Megan Regan as they present this classic tale, told with multiple puppetry styles, and plenty of dancing rats!

Show length- 40 min. with optional Q&A after the show. 

Just So Stories

Enjoy these three tales of mischief and magic that tell how some of your favorite animals came to be. Join us for silly adaptations of How the Camel Got His Hump, How the Rhino Got His Skin, and The Beginning of the Armadillos.

Show length- 25 minutes with optional Q&A after the show.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood's anxious mother sends her off into the woods with some treats for her dear old grandmother, but to get home safely she and her grandmother will have to outsmart the Big Bad Wolf.  Are Little Red and Grandmother in trouble, or has the wolf bitten off more than he can chew? Join CactusHead Puppets for their modern adaptation of this classic story, told with hand puppets and shadow puppets.

Show Length- 25 minutes with optional Q&A after the show.

The Tale of Juan Bobo

Meet Juan Bobo! He always tries to do the right thing, but often makes mistakes. For Juan even the smallest task can lead to the silliest of results. But can Juan Bobo's seemingly foolish actions end up saving the day? Join CactusHead Puppets as they bring this classic Puerto Rican folktale to life and decide for yourself.

Show length - 30 min with optional Q&A after the show.

The Bremen Town Musicians

CactusHead Puppets tells the classic tale of a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster who set off on a journey together to start new lives as musicians, and the exciting adventures they have along the way.

Show Length- 35 minutes with optional Q&A after the show.

The Emperor's New Clothes- not currently available for touring

Fashion is the most important thing to the Emperor, even more than taking care of his own kingdom.  When two strangers come to town promising the most beautiful clothes anyone has ever seen, the Emperors learns a lesson in fashion he will never forget.

Show Length- 30 minutes with optional Q&A after the show.


Little Red Riding Hood performances on 4/21

We have two  performances of Little Red Riding Hood at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art coming up during MA school vacation week on April 21st!

Show times are 11am and 2pm on the 21st. Tickets are $5 each, and can be purchased over the phone at 413-658-1126.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood's anxious mother sends her off into the woods with some treats for her dear old grandmother, but to get home safely she and her grandmother will have to outsmart the Big Bad Wolf.  Are Little Red and Grandmother in trouble, or has the wolf bitten off more than he can chew? Join CactusHead Puppets for their modern adaptation of this classic story, told with hand puppets and shadow puppets.

Hope you can join us for this fun show!

2015 Upcoming Public Performances

Want to come see a CactusHead Puppets show? Check out our list of public performance dates to see if there is a show near you!

2/20/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 11am & 2pm, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA (tickets $5, call 413-658-1126 to purchase)

3/14/2015- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 11am & 3pm, Goat on A Boat Puppet Theater, Sag Harbor, NY (purchase tickets)

3/18/2015- The Bremen Town Musicians, 3:30pm, Winchester Public Library, Winchester, MA

7/29/2015- Little Red Riding Hood, 11am, Springfield Museums, Springfield, MA

Hope to see you at a show soon!

Interested in having us come perform at your location? Check out the list of touring shows we offer here, and email for info about availability and pricing.

Last Weekend of Pied Piper at The Puppet Showplace Theater

This coming weekend, 1/24 - 1/25, is our last weekend of performances of our new Pied Piper show at the Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline, MA! Its a great show, and we've had a lot of fun performing there. If you haven't gotten a chance to see it yet, we hope you can come this weekend. Here are the showtimes and ticket info:

The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Sat. 1/24
1pm & 3pm

Sun. 1/25
1pm & 3pm

Purchase tickets

The show is also now available for touring! We've got a few dates already lined up (more info on those soon), and you can contact us at if you are interested in having us come do a show.

Tickets on Sale Now!

There are a several opportunities to see CactusHead shows coming up! 

First, we will be performing Bremen Town Musicians at The Carle in Amherst, MA 12/27 and 12/28. Here are the details:
The Bremen Town Musicians
December 27, 2014
11:00am and 1:00pm
December 28, 2014
$5 (Members $4.50); Museum Admission extra
CactusHead Puppets tells the classic tale of a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster who set off on a journey together to start new lives as musicians, and the exciting adventures they have along the way.
Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Museum Admissions Desk or by calling 413.658.1126.
Then in Jan. 2015 we will be premiering our brand new Pied Piper show at the Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline, MA! Details for those performances and a link to purchase tickets are here:
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
by CactusHead Puppets
Saturday January 10 - Sunday January 25
The town of Hamelin has a rat problem, and there's only one person who can help! CactusHead Puppets bring the story of the Pied Piper to life with a cast of colorful characters in this comedic adaptation of the traditional folktale. Not only does the town find a musical solution to pest control, but the kids of Hamelin also teach the grownups a lesson about generosity. In the end, the townspeople all come together in celebration. Join puppeteers John and Megan Regan as they present this classic tale, told with multiple puppetry styles, and plenty of dancing rats!

Hope you are able to join us for these shows!